Source code for bed_reader._open_bed

import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from io import BytesIO
from itertools import repeat, takewhile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import ParseResult as UrlParseResult
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import numpy as np

    from scipy import sparse
except ImportError:
    sparse = None

from .bed_reader import (  # type: ignore

def _rawincount(f):
    bufgen = takewhile(lambda x: x, ( * 1024) for _ in repeat(None)))
    return sum(buf.count(b"\n") for buf in bufgen)

class _MetaMeta:
    suffix: str
    column: int
    dtype: type
    missing_value: object
    fill_sequence: object

def _all_same(key, length, missing, dtype):
    if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.str_):
        dtype = f"<U{len(missing)}"
    return np.full(length, missing, dtype=dtype)

def _sequence(key, length, missing, dtype):
    if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.str_):
        longest = len(f"{key}{length}")
        dtype = f"<U{longest}"
    return np.fromiter(
        (f"{key}{i + 1}" for i in range(length)), dtype=dtype, count=length

_delimiters = {"fam": r"\s+", "bim": "\t"}
_count_name = {"fam": "iid_count", "bim": "sid_count"}

_meta_meta = {
    "fid": _MetaMeta("fam", 0, np.str_, "0", _all_same),
    "iid": _MetaMeta("fam", 1, np.str_, None, _sequence),
    "father": _MetaMeta("fam", 2, np.str_, "0", _all_same),
    "mother": _MetaMeta("fam", 3, np.str_, "0", _all_same),
    "sex": _MetaMeta("fam", 4, np.int32, 0, _all_same),
    "pheno": _MetaMeta("fam", 5, np.str_, "0", _all_same),
    "chromosome": _MetaMeta("bim", 0, np.str_, "0", _all_same),
    "sid": _MetaMeta("bim", 1, np.str_, None, _sequence),
    "cm_position": _MetaMeta("bim", 2, np.float32, 0, _all_same),
    "bp_position": _MetaMeta("bim", 3, np.int32, 0, _all_same),
    "allele_1": _MetaMeta("bim", 4, np.str_, "A1", _all_same),
    "allele_2": _MetaMeta("bim", 5, np.str_, "A2", _all_same),

def get_num_threads(num_threads=None):
    if num_threads is not None:
        return num_threads
    if "PST_NUM_THREADS" in os.environ:
        return int(os.environ["PST_NUM_THREADS"])
    if "NUM_THREADS" in os.environ:
        return int(os.environ["NUM_THREADS"])
    if "MKL_NUM_THREADS" in os.environ:
        return int(os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"])
    return multiprocessing.cpu_count()

def get_max_concurrent_requests(max_concurrent_requests=None):
    if max_concurrent_requests is not None:
        return max_concurrent_requests
    return 10

def get_max_chunk_bytes(max_chunk_bytes=None):
    if max_chunk_bytes is not None:
        return max_chunk_bytes
    return 8_000_000

[docs] class open_bed: """ Open a PLINK .bed file, local or cloud, for reading. Parameters ---------- location: pathlib.Path or str File path or URL to the .bed file. See :doc:`cloud_urls` for details on cloud URLs. iid_count: None or int, optional Number of individuals (samples) in the .bed file. The default (``iid_count=None``) finds the number automatically by quickly scanning the .fam file. sid_count: None or int, optional Number of SNPs (variants) in the .bed file. The default (``sid_count=None``) finds the number automatically by quickly scanning the .bim file. properties: dict, optional A dictionary of any replacement properties. The default is an empty dictionary. The keys of the dictionary are the names of the properties to replace. The possible keys are: "fid" (family id), "iid" (individual or sample id), "father" (father id), "mother" (mother id), "sex", "pheno" (phenotype), "chromosome", "sid" (SNP or variant id), "cm_position" (centimorgan position), "bp_position" (base-pair position), "allele_1", "allele_2". The values are replacement lists or arrays. A value can also be `None`, meaning do not read or offer this property. See examples, below. The list or array will be converted to a :class:`numpy.ndarray` of the appropriate dtype, if necessary. Any :data:`numpy.nan` values will converted to the appropriate missing value. The PLINK `.fam specification <>`_ and `.bim specification <>`_ lists the dtypes and missing values for each property. count_A1: bool, optional True (default) to count the number of A1 alleles (the PLINK standard). False to count the number of A2 alleles. num_threads: None or int, optional The number of threads with which to read data. Defaults to all available processors. Can also be set with these environment variables (listed in priority order): 'PST_NUM_THREADS', 'NUM_THREADS', 'MKL_NUM_THREADS'. skip_format_check: bool, optional False (default) to immediately check for expected starting bytes in the .bed file. True to delay the check until (and if) data is read. fam_location: pathlib.Path or str or URL, optional Path to the file containing information about each individual (sample). Defaults to replacing the .bed file’s suffix with .fam. bim_location: pathlib.Path or str URL, optional Path to the file containing information about each SNP (variant). Defaults to replacing the .bed file’s suffix with .bim. cloud_options: dict, optional A dictionary of options for reading from cloud storage. The default is an empty. max_concurrent_requests: None or int, optional The maximum number of concurrent requests to make to the cloud storage service. Defaults to 10. max_chunk_bytes: None or int, optional The maximum number of bytes to read in a single request to the cloud storage service. Defaults to 8MB. filepath: same as location Deprecated. Use location instead. fam_filepath: same as fam_location Deprecated. Use fam_location instead. bim_filepath: same as bim_location Deprecated. Use bim_location instead. Returns ------- open_bed an open_bed object Examples -------- Open a local file and list individual (sample) :attr:`iid` and SNP (variant) :attr:`sid`. Then, :meth:`read` the whole file. .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> bed = open_bed(file_name) >>> print(bed.iid) ['iid1' 'iid2' 'iid3'] >>> print(bed.sid) ['sid1' 'sid2' 'sid3' 'sid4'] >>> print( [[ 1. 0. nan 0.] [ 2. 0. nan 2.] [ 0. 1. 2. 0.]] >>> del bed # optional: delete bed object Open a cloud file with a non-default timeout. Then, read the data for one SNP (variant) at index position 2. See :doc:`cloud_urls` for details on reading files from cloud storage. .. doctest:: >>> import numpy as np >>> with open_bed("", ... cloud_options={"timeout": "10s"}) as bed: ... print([:,2])) [[nan] [nan] [ 2.]] With the local file, replace :attr:`iid`. >>> bed = open_bed(file_name, properties={"iid":["sample1","sample2","sample3"]}) >>> print(bed.iid) # replaced ['sample1' 'sample2' 'sample3'] >>> print(bed.sid) # same as before ['sid1' 'sid2' 'sid3' 'sid4'] Give the number of individuals (samples) and SNPs (variants) so that the .fam and .bim files need never be opened. >>> with open_bed(file_name, iid_count=3, sid_count=4) as bed: ... print( [[ 1. 0. nan 0.] [ 2. 0. nan 2.] [ 0. 1. 2. 0.]] Mark some properties as "don’t read or offer". >>> bed = open_bed(file_name, properties={ ... "father" : None, "mother" : None, "sex" : None, "pheno" : None, ... "allele_1" : None, "allele_2":None }) >>> print(bed.iid) # read from file ['iid1' 'iid2' 'iid3'] >>> print(bed.allele_2) # not read and not offered None See the :meth:`read` for details of reading batches via slicing and fancy indexing. """ def __init__( self, location: Union[str, Path, UrlParseResult], iid_count: Optional[int] = None, sid_count: Optional[int] = None, properties: Mapping[str, List[Any]] = {}, count_A1: bool = True, num_threads: Optional[int] = None, skip_format_check: bool = False, fam_location: Union[str, Path, UrlParseResult] = None, bim_location: Union[str, Path, UrlParseResult] = None, cloud_options: Mapping[str, str] = {}, max_concurrent_requests: Optional[int] = None, max_chunk_bytes: Optional[int] = None, # accept old keywords filepath: Union[str, Path] = None, fam_filepath: Union[str, Path] = None, bim_filepath: Union[str, Path] = None, ): location = self._combined(location, filepath, "location", "filepath") fam_location = self._combined( fam_location, fam_filepath, "fam_location", "fam_filepath" ) bim_location = self._combined( bim_location, bim_filepath, "bim_location", "bim_filepath" ) self.location = self._path_or_url(location) self.cloud_options = cloud_options self.count_A1 = count_A1 self._num_threads = num_threads self._max_concurrent_requests = max_concurrent_requests self._max_chunk_bytes = max_chunk_bytes self.skip_format_check = skip_format_check self._fam_location = ( self._path_or_url(fam_location) if fam_location is not None else self._replace_extension(self.location, "fam") ) self._bim_location = ( self._path_or_url(bim_location) if bim_location is not None else self._replace_extension(self.location, "bim") ) self.properties_dict, self._counts = open_bed._fix_up_properties( properties, iid_count, sid_count, use_fill_sequence=False ) self._iid_range = None self._sid_range = None if not self.skip_format_check: if self._is_url(self.location): check_file_cloud(self.location.geturl(), self.cloud_options) else: with open(self.location, "rb") as filepointer: self._mode = self._check_file(filepointer) # # its an error to set both location and filepath # location = self._combined(location, filepath, "location", "filepath") # fam_location = self._combined(fam_location, fam_filepath, "fam_location", "fam_filepath") # bim_location = self._combined(bim_location, bim_filepath, "bim_location", "bim_filepath") @staticmethod def _combined(location, filepath, location_name, filepath_name): if location is not None and filepath is not None: raise ValueError(f"Cannot set both {location_name} and {filepath_name}") # None, None is ok for now return location if location is not None else filepath @staticmethod def _replace_extension(location, extension): if open_bed._is_url(location): # Split the path and change the extension path, _ = os.path.splitext(location.path) new_path = f"{path}.{extension}" # Create a new ParseResult with the updated path new_parse_result = UrlParseResult( scheme=location.scheme, netloc=location.netloc, path=new_path, params=location.params, query=location.query, fragment=location.fragment, ) return new_parse_result else: assert isinstance(location, Path) # real assert return location.parent / (location.stem + "." + extension) @staticmethod def _is_url(location): return isinstance(location, UrlParseResult) @staticmethod def _path_or_url(input): if isinstance(input, Path): return input if isinstance(input, UrlParseResult): return input assert isinstance( input, str ), "Expected a string or Path object or UrlParseResult" parsed = urlparse(input) if parsed.scheme and "://" in input: return parsed else: return Path(input)
[docs] def read( self, index: Optional[Any] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[type, str]] = "float32", order: Optional[str] = "F", force_python_only: Optional[bool] = False, num_threads=None, max_concurrent_requests=None, max_chunk_bytes=None, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Read genotype information. Parameters ---------- index: An optional expression specifying the individuals (samples) and SNPs (variants) to read. (See examples, below). Defaults to ``None``, meaning read all. (If index is a tuple, the first component indexes the individuals and the second indexes the SNPs. If it is not a tuple and not None, it indexes SNPs.) dtype: {'float32' (default), 'float64', 'int8'}, optional The desired data-type for the returned array. order : {'F','C'}, optional The desired memory layout for the returned array. Defaults to ``F`` (Fortran order, which is SNP-major). force_python_only: bool, optional If False (default), uses the faster Rust code; otherwise it uses the slower pure Python code. num_threads: None or int, optional The number of threads with which to read data. Defaults to all available processors. Can also be set with :class:`open_bed` or these environment variables (listed in priority order): 'PST_NUM_THREADS', 'NUM_THREADS', 'MKL_NUM_THREADS'. max_concurrent_requests: None or int, optional The maximum number of concurrent requests to make to the cloud storage service. Defaults to 10. max_chunk_bytes: None or int, optional The maximum number of bytes to read in a single request to the cloud storage service. Defaults to 8MB. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray 2-D array containing values of 0, 1, 2, or missing Rows represent individuals (samples). Columns represent SNPs (variants). For ``dtype`` 'float32' and 'float64', NaN indicates missing values. For 'int8', -127 indicates missing values. Examples -------- To read all data in a .bed file, set ``index`` to ``None``. This is the default. .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print( [[ 1. 0. nan 0.] [ 2. 0. nan 2.] [ 0. 1. 2. 0.]] To read selected individuals (samples) and/or SNPs (variants), set each part of a :data:`numpy.s_` to an `int`, a list of `int`, a slice expression, or a list of `bool`. Negative integers count from the end of the list. .. doctest:: >>> import numpy as np >>> bed = open_bed(file_name) >>> print([:,2])) # read the SNPs indexed by 2. [[nan] [nan] [ 2.]] >>> print([:,[2,3,0]])) # read the SNPs indexed by 2, 3, and 0 [[nan 0. 1.] [nan 2. 2.] [ 2. 0. 0.]] >>> # read SNPs from 1 (inclusive) to 4 (exclusive) >>> print([:,1:4])) [[ 0. nan 0.] [ 0. nan 2.] [ 1. 2. 0.]] >>> print(np.unique(bed.chromosome)) # print unique chrom values ['1' '5' 'Y'] >>> print([:,bed.chromosome=='5'])) # read all SNPs in chrom 5 [[nan] [nan] [ 2.]] >>> print([0,:])) # Read 1st individual (across all SNPs) [[ 1. 0. nan 0.]] >>> print([::2,:])) # Read every 2nd individual [[ 1. 0. nan 0.] [ 0. 1. 2. 0.]] >>> #read last and 2nd-to-last individuals and the last SNPs >>> print([[-1,-2],-1])) [[0.] [2.]] You can give a dtype for the output. .. doctest:: >>> print('int8')) [[ 1 0 -127 0] [ 2 0 -127 2] [ 0 1 2 0]] >>> del bed # optional: delete bed object """ iid_index_or_slice_etc, sid_index_or_slice_etc = self._split_index(index) dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if order not in {"F", "C"}: raise ValueError(f"order '{order}' not known, only 'F', 'C'") # Later happy with _iid_range and _sid_range or could it be done with # allocation them? if self._iid_range is None: self._iid_range = np.arange(self.iid_count, dtype="intp") if self._sid_range is None: self._sid_range = np.arange(self.sid_count, dtype="intp") iid_index = np.ascontiguousarray( self._iid_range[iid_index_or_slice_etc], dtype="intp", ) sid_index = np.ascontiguousarray( self._sid_range[sid_index_or_slice_etc], dtype="intp" ) if not force_python_only or open_bed._is_url(self.location): num_threads = get_num_threads( self._num_threads if num_threads is None else num_threads ) max_concurrent_requests = get_max_concurrent_requests( self._max_concurrent_requests if max_concurrent_requests is None else max_concurrent_requests ) max_chunk_bytes = get_max_chunk_bytes( self._max_chunk_bytes if max_chunk_bytes is None else max_chunk_bytes ) val = np.zeros((len(iid_index), len(sid_index)), order=order, dtype=dtype) if self.iid_count > 0 and self.sid_count > 0: reader, location_str, is_cloud = self._pick_reader(dtype) if not is_cloud: reader( location_str, self.cloud_options, iid_count=self.iid_count, sid_count=self.sid_count, is_a1_counted=self.count_A1, iid_index=iid_index, sid_index=sid_index, val=val, num_threads=num_threads, ) else: reader( location_str, self.cloud_options, iid_count=self.iid_count, sid_count=self.sid_count, is_a1_counted=self.count_A1, iid_index=iid_index, sid_index=sid_index, val=val, num_threads=num_threads, max_concurrent_requests=max_concurrent_requests, max_chunk_bytes=max_chunk_bytes, ) else: if not self.count_A1: byteZero = 0 byteThree = 2 else: byteZero = 2 byteThree = 0 if dtype == np.int8: missing = -127 else: missing = np.nan # An earlier version of this code had a way to read consecutive SNPs of code # in one read. May want # to add that ability back to the code. # Also, note that reading with python will often result in # non-contiguous memory # logging.warn("using pure python plink parser (might be much slower!!)") if self.major == "SNP": minor_count = self.iid_count minor_index = iid_index major_index = sid_index else: minor_count = self.sid_count minor_index = sid_index major_index = iid_index val = np.zeros( ((int(np.ceil(0.25 * minor_count)) * 4), len(major_index)), order=order, dtype=dtype, ) # allocate it a little big nbyte = int(np.ceil(0.25 * minor_count)) with open(self.location, "rb") as filepointer: for major_index_value, major_index_index in enumerate(major_index): startbit = int(np.ceil(0.25 * minor_count) * major_index_index + 3) bytes = np.array(bytearray( (int(np.ceil(0.25 * minor_count)), 1), order="F" ) val[3::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1] = byteZero val[3::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 64 ] = missing val[3::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 128 ] = 1 val[3::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 192 ] = byteThree bytes = np.mod(bytes, 64) val[2::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1] = byteZero val[2::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 16 ] = missing val[2::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 32 ] = 1 val[2::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 48 ] = byteThree bytes = np.mod(bytes, 16) val[1::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1] = byteZero val[1::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 4 ] = missing val[1::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][bytes >= 8] = 1 val[1::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 12 ] = byteThree bytes = np.mod(bytes, 4) val[0::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1] = byteZero val[0::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 1 ] = missing val[0::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][bytes >= 2] = 1 val[0::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 3 ] = byteThree val = val[minor_index, :] # reorder or trim any extra allocation assert val.dtype == np.dtype(dtype) # real assert if not open_bed._array_properties_are_ok(val, order): val = val.copy(order=order) # if in force python mode, and individual-major mode, then we need to transpose if self.major == "individual": val = val.T return val
def _pick_reader(self, dtype): if dtype == np.int8: file_reader = read_i8 cloud_reader = read_cloud_i8 elif dtype == np.float64: file_reader = read_f64 cloud_reader = read_cloud_f64 elif dtype == np.float32: file_reader = read_f32 cloud_reader = read_cloud_f32 else: raise ValueError( f"dtype '{dtype}' not known, only " + "'int8', 'float32', and 'float64' are allowed." ) if open_bed._is_url(self.location): reader = cloud_reader location_str = self.location.geturl() is_cloud = True else: reader = file_reader location_str = str(self.location.as_posix()) is_cloud = False return reader, location_str, is_cloud def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}('{self.location}',...)" @property def major(self) -> str: """ Major mode of a local .bed file. Returns ------- str 'SNP' or 'individual' Almost all PLINK 1.9 .bed files are 'SNP' major. This makes reading the data by SNP(s) fast. Errors ------ ValueError If the file is a cloud file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.major) SNP """ if self._is_url(self.location): raise ValueError("Cannot determine major mode for cloud files") # if self._mode is not set, set it if not hasattr(self, "mode"): with open(self.location, "rb") as filepointer: self._mode = self._check_file(filepointer) return "individual" if self._mode == b"\x00" else "SNP" @property def fid(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Family id of each individual (sample). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray array of str '0' represents a missing value. If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .fam file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.fid) ['fid1' 'fid1' 'fid2'] """ return self.property_item("fid") @property def iid(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Individual id of each individual (sample). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray array of str If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .fam file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.iid) ['iid1' 'iid2' 'iid3'] """ return self.property_item("iid") @property def father(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Father id of each individual (sample). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray array of str '0' represents a missing value. If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .fam file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.father) ['iid23' 'iid23' 'iid22'] """ return self.property_item("father") @property def mother(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Mother id of each individual (sample). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray array of str '0' represents a missing value. If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .fam file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.mother) ['iid34' 'iid34' 'iid33'] """ return self.property_item("mother") @property def sex(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Sex of each individual (sample). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray array of 0, 1, or 2 0 is unknown, 1 is male, 2 is female If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .fam file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print( [1 2 0] """ return self.property_item("sex") @property def pheno(self) -> np.ndarray: """ A phenotype for each individual (sample) (seldom used). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray array of str '0' may represent a missing value. If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .fam file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.pheno) ['red' 'red' 'blue'] """ return self.property_item("pheno") @property def properties(self) -> Mapping[str, np.array]: """ All the properties returned as a dictionary. Returns ------- dict all the properties The keys of the dictionary are the names of the properties, namely: "fid" (family id), "iid" (individual or sample id), "father" (father id), "mother" (mother id), "sex", "pheno" (phenotype), "chromosome", "sid" (SNP or variant id), "cm_position" (centimorgan position), "bp_position" (base-pair position), "allele_1", "allele_2". The values are :class:`numpy.ndarray`. If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .fam and .bim file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(len( #length of dict 12 """ for key in _meta_meta: self.property_item(key) return self.properties_dict
[docs] def property_item(self, name: str) -> np.ndarray: """ Retrieve one property by name. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray a property value The name is one of these: "fid" (family id), "iid" (individual or sample id), "father" (father id), "mother" (mother id), "sex", "pheno" (phenotype), "chromosome", "sid" (SNP or variant id), "cm_position" (centimorgan position), "bp_position" (base-pair position), "allele_1", "allele_2". If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .fam or .bim file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.property_item('chromosome')) ['1' '1' '5' 'Y'] """ if name not in self.properties_dict: mm = _meta_meta[name] self._read_fam_or_bim(suffix=mm.suffix) return self.properties_dict[name]
@property def chromosome(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Chromosome of each SNP (variant) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray array of str '0' represents a missing value. If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .bim file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.chromosome) ['1' '1' '5' 'Y'] """ return self.property_item("chromosome") @property def sid(self) -> np.ndarray: """ SNP id of each SNP (variant). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray array of str If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .bim file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.sid) ['sid1' 'sid2' 'sid3' 'sid4'] """ return self.property_item("sid") @property def cm_position(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Centimorgan position of each SNP (variant). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray array of float 0.0 represents a missing value. If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .bim file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.cm_position) [ 100.4 2000.5 4000.7 7000.9] """ return self.property_item("cm_position") @property def bp_position(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Base-pair position of each SNP (variant). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray array of int 0 represents a missing value. If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .bim file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.bp_position) [ 1 100 1000 1004] """ return self.property_item("bp_position") @property def allele_1(self) -> np.ndarray: """ First allele of each SNP (variant). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray array of str If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .bim file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.allele_1) ['A' 'T' 'A' 'T'] """ return self.property_item("allele_1") @property def allele_2(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Second allele of each SNP (variant), Returns ------- numpy.ndarray array of str If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .bim file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.allele_2) ['A' 'C' 'C' 'G'] """ return self.property_item("allele_2") @property def iid_count(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Number of individuals (samples). Returns ------- int number of individuals If needed, will cause a fast line-count of the .fam file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.iid_count) 3 """ return self._count("fam") @property def sid_count(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Number of SNPs (variants). Returns ------- int number of SNPs If needed, will cause a fast line-count of the .bim file. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.sid_count) 4 """ return self._count("bim") def _property_location(self, suffix): if suffix == "fam": return self._fam_location else: assert suffix == "bim" # real assert return self._bim_location def _count(self, suffix): count = self._counts[suffix] if count is None: location = self._property_location(suffix) if open_bed._is_url(location): # should not download twice from cloud if suffix == "fam": if self.property_item("iid") is None: # ... unless user doesn't want iid file_bytes = bytes( url_to_bytes(location.geturl(), self.cloud_options) ) count = _rawincount(BytesIO(file_bytes)) else: count = len(self.iid) elif suffix == "bim": if self.property_item("sid") is None: # ... unless user doesn't want sid file_bytes = bytes( url_to_bytes(location.geturl(), self.cloud_options) ) count = _rawincount(BytesIO(file_bytes)) else: count = len(self.sid) else: raise ValueError("real assert") else: count = _rawincount(open(location, "rb")) self._counts[suffix] = count return count @staticmethod def _check_file(filepointer): magic_number = if magic_number != b"l\x1b": raise ValueError("Not a valid .bed file") mode = # Check if mode is either individual-major or SNP-major if mode not in (b"\x00", b"\x01"): raise ValueError("Not a valid .bed file") return mode def __del__(self): self.__exit__() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *_): pass @staticmethod def _array_properties_are_ok(val, order): if order == "F": return val.flags["F_CONTIGUOUS"] else: assert order == "C" # real assert return val.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"] @property def shape(self): """ Number of individuals (samples) and SNPs (variants). Returns ------- (int, int) number of individuals, number of SNPs If needed, will cause a fast line-count of the .fam and .bim files. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.shape) (3, 4) """ return (self.iid_count, self.sid_count) @staticmethod def _split_index(index): if not isinstance(index, tuple): index = (None, index) iid_index = open_bed._fix_up_index(index[0]) sid_index = open_bed._fix_up_index(index[1]) return iid_index, sid_index @staticmethod def _fix_up_index(index): if index is None: # make a shortcut for None return slice(None) try: # If index is an int, return it in an array index = index.__index__() # (see # return [index] except Exception: pass return index @staticmethod def _write_fam_or_bim(base_filepath, properties, suffix, property_filepath): assert suffix in {"fam", "bim"}, "real assert" filepath = ( Path(property_filepath) if property_filepath is not None else base_filepath.parent / (base_filepath.stem + "." + suffix) ) fam_bim_list = [] for key, mm in _meta_meta.items(): if mm.suffix == suffix: assert len(fam_bim_list) == mm.column, "real assert" fam_bim_list.append(properties[key]) sep = " " if suffix == "fam" else "\t" with open(filepath, "w") as filepointer: for index in range(len(fam_bim_list[0])): filepointer.write( sep.join(str(seq[index]) for seq in fam_bim_list) + "\n" ) @staticmethod def _fix_up_properties_array(input, dtype, missing_value, key): if input is None: return None if len(input) == 0: return np.zeros([0], dtype=dtype) if not isinstance(input, np.ndarray): return open_bed._fix_up_properties_array( np.array(input), dtype, missing_value, key ) if len(input.shape) != 1: raise ValueError(f"{key} should be one dimensional") if not np.issubdtype(input.dtype, dtype): # This will convert, for example, numerical sids to string sids or # floats that happen to be integers into ints, # but there will be a warning generated. output = np.array(input, dtype=dtype) else: output = input # Change NaN in input to correct missing value if np.issubdtype(input.dtype, np.floating): output[input != input] = missing_value return output @staticmethod def _fix_up_properties(properties, iid_count, sid_count, use_fill_sequence): for key in properties: if key not in _meta_meta: raise KeyError(f"properties key '{key}' not known") count_dict = {"fam": iid_count, "bim": sid_count} properties_dict = {} for key, mm in _meta_meta.items(): count = count_dict[mm.suffix] if key not in properties or (use_fill_sequence and properties[key] is None): if use_fill_sequence: output = mm.fill_sequence(key, count, mm.missing_value, mm.dtype) else: continue # Test coverage reaches this, but doesn't report it. else: output = open_bed._fix_up_properties_array( properties[key], mm.dtype, mm.missing_value, key ) if output is not None: if count is None: count_dict[mm.suffix] = len(output) else: if count != len(output): raise ValueError( f"The length of override {key}, {len(output)}, should not " + "be different from the current " + f"{_count_name[mm.suffix]}, {count}" ) properties_dict[key] = output return properties_dict, count_dict def _read_fam_or_bim(self, suffix): property_location = self._property_location(suffix)"Loading {0} file {1}".format(suffix, property_location)) count = self._counts[suffix] delimiter = _delimiters[suffix] if delimiter in {r"\s+"}: delimiter = None usecolsdict = {} dtype_dict = {} for key, mm in _meta_meta.items(): if mm.suffix is suffix and key not in self.properties_dict: usecolsdict[key] = mm.column dtype_dict[mm.column] = mm.dtype assert list(usecolsdict.values()) == sorted(usecolsdict.values()) # real assert assert len(usecolsdict) > 0 # real assert if self._is_url(property_location): file_bytes = bytes( url_to_bytes(property_location.geturl(), self.cloud_options) ) if len(file_bytes) == 0: columns, row_count = [], 0 else: # note similar code below columns, row_count = _read_csv( BytesIO(file_bytes), delimiter=delimiter, dtype=dtype_dict, usecols=usecolsdict.values(), ) else: if os.path.getsize(property_location) == 0: columns, row_count = [], 0 else: columns, row_count = _read_csv( property_location, delimiter=delimiter, dtype=dtype_dict, usecols=usecolsdict.values(), ) if count is None: self._counts[suffix] = row_count else: if count != row_count: raise ValueError( f"The number of lines in the *.{suffix} file, {row_count}, " + "should not be different from the current " + "f{_count_name[suffix]}, {count}" ) for i, key in enumerate(usecolsdict.keys()): mm = _meta_meta[key] if row_count == 0: output = np.array([], dtype=mm.dtype) else: output = columns[i] if not np.issubdtype(output.dtype, mm.dtype): output = np.array(output, dtype=mm.dtype) self.properties_dict[key] = output
[docs] def read_sparse( self, index: Optional[Any] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[type, str]] = "float32", batch_size: Optional[int] = None, format: Optional[str] = "csc", num_threads=None, max_concurrent_requests=None, max_chunk_bytes=None, ) -> (Union[sparse.csc_matrix, sparse.csr_matrix]) if sparse is not None else None: # type: ignore """ Read genotype information into a :mod:`scipy.sparse` matrix. Sparse matrices may be useful when the data is mostly zeros. .. note:: This method requires :mod:`scipy`. Install `scipy` with: .. code-block:: bash pip install --upgrade bed-reader[sparse] Parameters ---------- index: An optional expression specifying the individuals (samples) and SNPs (variants) to read. (See examples, below). Defaults to ``None``, meaning read all. (If index is a tuple, the first component indexes the individuals and the second indexes the SNPs. If it is not a tuple and not None, it indexes SNPs.) dtype: {'float32' (default), 'float64', 'int8'}, optional The desired data-type for the returned array. batch_size: None or int, optional Number of dense columns or rows to read at a time, internally. Defaults to round(sqrt(total-number-of-columns-or-rows-to-read)). format : {'csc','csr'}, optional The desired format of the sparse matrix. Defaults to ``csc`` (Compressed Sparse Column, which is SNP-major). num_threads: None or int, optional The number of threads with which to read data. Defaults to all available processors. Can also be set with :class:`open_bed` or these environment variables (listed in priority order): 'PST_NUM_THREADS', 'NUM_THREADS', 'MKL_NUM_THREADS'. max_concurrent_requests: None or int, optional The maximum number of concurrent requests to make to the cloud storage service. Defaults to 10. max_chunk_bytes: None or int, optional The maximum number of bytes to read in a single request to the cloud storage service. Defaults to 8MB. Returns ------- a :class:`scipy.sparse.csc_matrix` (default) or :class:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` Rows represent individuals (samples). Columns represent SNPs (variants). For ``dtype`` 'float32' and 'float64', NaN indicates missing values. For 'int8', -127 indicates missing values. The memory used by the final sparse matrix is approximately: # of non-zero values * (4 bytes + 1 byte (for int8)) For example, consider reading 1000 individuals (samples) x 50,000 SNPs (variants) into csc format where the data is 97% sparse. The memory used will be about 7.5 MB (1000 x 50,000 x 3% x 5 bytes). This is 15% of the 50 MB needed by a dense matrix. Internally, the function reads the data via small dense matrices. For this example, by default, the function will read 1000 individuals x 224 SNPs (because 224 * 224 is about 50,000). The memory used by the small dense matrix is 1000 x 244 x 1 byte (for int8) = 0.224 MB. You can set `batch_size`. Larger values will be faster. Smaller values will use less memory. For this example, we might want to set the `batch_size` to 5000. Then, the memory used by the small dense matrix would be 1000 x 5000 x 1 byte (for int8) = 5 MB, similar to the 7.5 MB needed for the final sparse matrix. Examples -------- Read all data in a .bed file into a :class:`scipy.sparse.csc_matrix`. The file has 10 individuals (samples) by 20 SNPs (variants). All but eight values are 0. .. doctest:: >>> # pip install bed-reader[samples,sparse] # if needed >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("sparse.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.shape) ... val_sparse = bed.read_sparse(dtype="int8") ... print(val_sparse) # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE (10, 20) (8, 4) 1 (8, 5) 2 (0, 8) 2 (4, 9) 1 (7, 9) 1 (5, 11) 1 (2, 12) 1 (3, 12) 1 To read selected individuals (samples) and/or SNPs (variants), set each part of a :data:`numpy.s_` to an `int`, a list of `int`, a slice expression, or a list of `bool`. Negative integers count from the end of the list. .. doctest:: >>> import numpy as np >>> bed = open_bed(file_name) >>> print(bed.read_sparse(np.s_[:,5], dtype="int8")) # read the SNPs indexed by 5. # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE (8, 0) 2 >>> # read the SNPs indexed by 5, 4, and 0 >>> print(bed.read_sparse(np.s_[:,[5,4,0]], dtype="int8")) # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE (8, 0) 2 (8, 1) 1 >>> # read SNPs from 1 (inclusive) to 11 (exclusive) >>> print(bed.read_sparse(np.s_[:,1:11], dtype="int8")) # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE (8, 3) 1 (8, 4) 2 (0, 7) 2 (4, 8) 1 (7, 8) 1 >>> print(np.unique(bed.chromosome)) # print unique chrom values ['1' '5' 'Y'] >>> # read all SNPs in chrom 5 >>> print(bed.read_sparse(np.s_[:,bed.chromosome=='5'], dtype="int8")) # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE (8, 0) 1 (8, 1) 2 (0, 4) 2 (4, 5) 1 (7, 5) 1 (5, 7) 1 (2, 8) 1 (3, 8) 1 >>> # Read 1st individual (across all SNPs) >>> print(bed.read_sparse(np.s_[0,:], dtype="int8")) # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE (0, 8) 2 >>> print(bed.read_sparse(np.s_[::2,:], dtype="int8")) # Read every 2nd individual # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE (4, 4) 1 (4, 5) 2 (0, 8) 2 (2, 9) 1 (1, 12) 1 >>> # read last and 2nd-to-last individuals and the 15th-from-the-last SNP >>> print(bed.read_sparse(np.s_[[-1,-2],-15], dtype="int8")) # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE (1, 0) 2 """ if sparse is None: raise ImportError( "The function read_sparse() requires scipy. " + "Install it with 'pip install --upgrade bed-reader[sparse]'." ) iid_index_or_slice_etc, sid_index_or_slice_etc = self._split_index(index) dtype = np.dtype(dtype) # Similar code in read(). # Later happy with _iid_range and _sid_range or could it be done with # allocation them? if self._iid_range is None: self._iid_range = np.arange(self.iid_count, dtype="intp") if self._sid_range is None: self._sid_range = np.arange(self.sid_count, dtype="intp") iid_index = np.ascontiguousarray( self._iid_range[iid_index_or_slice_etc], dtype="intp", ) sid_index = np.ascontiguousarray( self._sid_range[sid_index_or_slice_etc], dtype="intp" ) if ( len(iid_index) > np.iinfo(np.int32).max or len(sid_index) > np.iinfo(np.int32).max ): raise ValueError( "Too (many Individuals or SNPs (variants) requested. Maximum is {np.iinfo(np.int32).max}." ) if batch_size is None: batch_size = round(np.sqrt(len(sid_index))) num_threads = get_num_threads( self._num_threads if num_threads is None else num_threads ) max_concurrent_requests = get_max_concurrent_requests( self._max_concurrent_requests if max_concurrent_requests is None else max_concurrent_requests ) max_chunk_bytes = get_max_chunk_bytes( self._max_chunk_bytes if max_chunk_bytes is None else max_chunk_bytes ) if format == "csc": order = "F" indptr = np.zeros(len(sid_index) + 1, dtype=np.int32) elif format == "csr": order = "C" indptr = np.zeros(len(iid_index) + 1, dtype=np.int32) else: raise ValueError(f"format '{format}' not known. Expected 'csc' or 'csr'.") # We init data and indices with zero element arrays to set their dtype. data = [np.empty(0, dtype=dtype)] indices = [np.empty(0, dtype=np.int32)] if self.iid_count > 0 and self.sid_count > 0: reader, location_str, is_cloud = self._pick_reader(dtype) if format == "csc": val = np.zeros((len(iid_index), batch_size), order=order, dtype=dtype) for batch_start in range(0, len(sid_index), batch_size): batch_end = batch_start + batch_size if batch_end > len(sid_index): batch_end = len(sid_index) del val val = np.zeros( (len(iid_index), batch_end - batch_start), order=order, dtype=dtype, ) batch_slice = np.s_[batch_start:batch_end] batch_index = sid_index[batch_slice] if not is_cloud: reader( location_str, self.cloud_options, iid_count=self.iid_count, sid_count=self.sid_count, is_a1_counted=self.count_A1, iid_index=iid_index, sid_index=batch_index, val=val, num_threads=num_threads, ) else: reader( location_str, self.cloud_options, iid_count=self.iid_count, sid_count=self.sid_count, is_a1_counted=self.count_A1, iid_index=iid_index, sid_index=batch_index, val=val, num_threads=num_threads, max_concurrent_requests=max_concurrent_requests, max_chunk_bytes=max_chunk_bytes, ) self.sparsify( val, order, iid_index, batch_slice, data, indices, indptr ) else: assert format == "csr" # real assert val = np.zeros((batch_size, len(sid_index)), order=order, dtype=dtype) for batch_start in range(0, len(iid_index), batch_size): batch_end = batch_start + batch_size if batch_end > len(iid_index): batch_end = len(iid_index) del val val = np.zeros( (batch_end - batch_start, len(sid_index)), order=order, dtype=dtype, ) batch_slice = np.s_[batch_start:batch_end] batch_index = iid_index[batch_slice] if not is_cloud: reader( location_str, self.cloud_options, iid_count=self.iid_count, sid_count=self.sid_count, is_a1_counted=self.count_A1, iid_index=batch_index, sid_index=sid_index, val=val, num_threads=num_threads, ) else: reader( location_str, self.cloud_options, iid_count=self.iid_count, sid_count=self.sid_count, is_a1_counted=self.count_A1, iid_index=batch_index, sid_index=sid_index, val=val, num_threads=num_threads, max_concurrent_requests=max_concurrent_requests, max_chunk_bytes=max_chunk_bytes, ) self.sparsify( val, order, sid_index, batch_slice, data, indices, indptr ) data = np.concatenate(data) indices = np.concatenate(indices) if format == "csc": return sparse.csc_matrix( (data, indices, indptr), (len(iid_index), len(sid_index)) ) else: assert format == "csr" # real assert return sparse.csr_matrix( (data, indices, indptr), (len(iid_index), len(sid_index)) )
def sparsify(self, val, order, minor_index, batch_slice, data, indices, indptr): flatten = np.ravel(val, order=order) nz_indices = np.flatnonzero(flatten).astype(np.int32) column_indexes = nz_indices // len(minor_index) counts = np.bincount( column_indexes, minlength=batch_slice.stop - batch_slice.start ).astype(np.int32) counts_with_initial = np.r_[ indptr[batch_slice.start : batch_slice.start + 1], counts ] data.append(flatten[nz_indices]) indices.append(np.mod(nz_indices, len(minor_index))) indptr[1:][batch_slice] = np.cumsum(counts_with_initial)[1:]
def _read_csv(filepath, delimiter=None, dtype=None, usecols=None): # Prepare the usecols by ensuring it is a list of indices usecols_indices = list(usecols) transposed = np.loadtxt( filepath, dtype=np.str_, delimiter=delimiter, usecols=usecols_indices, unpack=True, ) if transposed.ndim == 1: transposed = transposed.reshape(-1, 1) row_count = transposed.shape[1] # because unpack=True # Convert column lists to numpy arrays with the specified dtype columns = [] for output_index, input_index in enumerate(usecols_indices): col = transposed[output_index] # Find the dtype for this column col_dtype = dtype.get(input_index, np.str_) # Convert the column list to a numpy array with the specified dtype columns.append(_convert_to_dtype(col, col_dtype)) return columns, row_count def _convert_to_dtype(str_arr, dtype): assert dtype in [np.str_, np.float32, np.int32] # real assert if dtype == np.str_: return str_arr try: new_arr = str_arr.astype(dtype) except ValueError as e: if dtype == np.float32: raise e # for backwards compatibility, see if intermediate float helps int conversion try: assert dtype == np.int32 # real assert float_arr = str_arr.astype(np.float32) except ValueError: raise e new_arr = float_arr.astype(np.int32) if not np.array_equal(new_arr, float_arr): raise ValueError( f"invalid literal for int: '{str_arr[np.where(new_arr != float_arr)][:1]}')" ) return new_arr if __name__ == "__main__": import pytest logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) pytest.main(["--doctest-modules", __file__])