Source code for bed_reader._open_bed

import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from io import BytesIO
from itertools import repeat, takewhile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List, Mapping, Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import ParseResult as UrlParseResult
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import numpy as np

    from scipy import sparse
        from scipy import sparse
    except ImportError:
        sparse = None

from .bed_reader import (

def _rawincount(f):
    bufgen = takewhile(lambda x: x, ( * 1024) for _ in repeat(None)))
    return sum(buf.count(b"\n") for buf in bufgen)

class _MetaMeta:
    suffix: str
    column: int
    dtype: type
    missing_value: object
    fill_sequence: object

def _all_same(key, length, missing, dtype):
    if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.str_):
        dtype = f"<U{len(missing)}"
    return np.full(length, missing, dtype=dtype)

def _sequence(key, length, missing, dtype):
    if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.str_):
        longest = len(f"{key}{length}")
        dtype = f"<U{longest}"
    return np.fromiter(
        (f"{key}{i + 1}" for i in range(length)), dtype=dtype, count=length,

_delimiters = {"fam": r"\s+", "bim": "\t"}
_count_name = {"fam": "iid_count", "bim": "sid_count"}

_meta_meta = {
    "fid": _MetaMeta("fam", 0, np.str_, "0", _all_same),
    "iid": _MetaMeta("fam", 1, np.str_, None, _sequence),
    "father": _MetaMeta("fam", 2, np.str_, "0", _all_same),
    "mother": _MetaMeta("fam", 3, np.str_, "0", _all_same),
    "sex": _MetaMeta("fam", 4, np.int32, 0, _all_same),
    "pheno": _MetaMeta("fam", 5, np.str_, "0", _all_same),
    "chromosome": _MetaMeta("bim", 0, np.str_, "0", _all_same),
    "sid": _MetaMeta("bim", 1, np.str_, None, _sequence),
    "cm_position": _MetaMeta("bim", 2, np.float32, 0, _all_same),
    "bp_position": _MetaMeta("bim", 3, np.int32, 0, _all_same),
    "allele_1": _MetaMeta("bim", 4, np.str_, "A1", _all_same),
    "allele_2": _MetaMeta("bim", 5, np.str_, "A2", _all_same),

def get_num_threads(num_threads=None):
    if num_threads is not None:
        return num_threads
    if "PST_NUM_THREADS" in os.environ:
        return int(os.environ["PST_NUM_THREADS"])
    if "NUM_THREADS" in os.environ:
        return int(os.environ["NUM_THREADS"])
    if "MKL_NUM_THREADS" in os.environ:
        return int(os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"])
    return multiprocessing.cpu_count()

def get_max_concurrent_requests(max_concurrent_requests=None):
    if max_concurrent_requests is not None:
        return max_concurrent_requests
    return 10

def get_max_chunk_bytes(max_chunk_bytes=None):
    if max_chunk_bytes is not None:
        return max_chunk_bytes
    return 8_000_000

[docs] class open_bed: """Open a PLINK .bed file, local or cloud, for reading. Parameters ---------- location: pathlib.Path or str File path or URL to the .bed file. See :doc:`cloud_urls` for details on cloud URLs. iid_count: None or int, optional Number of individuals (samples) in the .bed file. The default (``iid_count=None``) finds the number automatically by quickly scanning the .fam file. sid_count: None or int, optional Number of SNPs (variants) in the .bed file. The default (``sid_count=None``) finds the number automatically by quickly scanning the .bim file. properties: dict, optional A dictionary of any replacement properties. The default is an empty dictionary. The keys of the dictionary are the names of the properties to replace. The possible keys are: "fid" (family id), "iid" (individual or sample id), "father" (father id), "mother" (mother id), "sex", "pheno" (phenotype), "chromosome", "sid" (SNP or variant id), "cm_position" (centimorgan position), "bp_position" (base-pair position), "allele_1", "allele_2". The values are replacement lists or arrays. A value can also be `None`, meaning do not read or offer this property. See examples, below. The list or array will be converted to a :class:`numpy.ndarray` of the appropriate dtype, if necessary. Any :data:`numpy.nan` values will converted to the appropriate missing value. The PLINK `.fam specification <>`_ and `.bim specification <>`_ lists the dtypes and missing values for each property. count_A1: bool, optional True (default) to count the number of A1 alleles (the PLINK standard). False to count the number of A2 alleles. num_threads: None or int, optional The number of threads with which to read data. Defaults to all available processors. Can also be set with these environment variables (listed in priority order): 'PST_NUM_THREADS', 'NUM_THREADS', 'MKL_NUM_THREADS'. skip_format_check: bool, optional False (default) to immediately check for expected starting bytes in the .bed file. True to delay the check until (and if) data is read. fam_location: pathlib.Path or str or URL, optional Path to the file containing information about each individual (sample). Defaults to replacing the .bed file’s suffix with .fam. bim_location: pathlib.Path or str URL, optional Path to the file containing information about each SNP (variant). Defaults to replacing the .bed file’s suffix with .bim. cloud_options: dict, optional A dictionary of options for reading from cloud storage. The default is an empty. max_concurrent_requests: None or int, optional The maximum number of concurrent requests to make to the cloud storage service. Defaults to 10. max_chunk_bytes: None or int, optional The maximum number of bytes to read in a single request to the cloud storage service. Defaults to 8MB. filepath: same as location Deprecated. Use location instead. fam_filepath: same as fam_location Deprecated. Use fam_location instead. bim_filepath: same as bim_location Deprecated. Use bim_location instead. Returns ------- open_bed an open_bed object Examples -------- Open a local file and list individual (sample) :attr:`iid` and SNP (variant) :attr:`sid`. Then, :meth:`read` the whole file. .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> bed = open_bed(file_name) >>> print(bed.iid) ['iid1' 'iid2' 'iid3'] >>> print(bed.sid) ['sid1' 'sid2' 'sid3' 'sid4'] >>> print( [[ 1. 0. nan 0.] [ 2. 0. nan 2.] [ 0. 1. 2. 0.]] >>> del bed # optional: delete bed object Open a cloud file with a non-default timeout. Then, read the data for one SNP (variant) at index position 2. See :doc:`cloud_urls` for details on reading files from cloud storage. .. doctest:: >>> import numpy as np >>> with open_bed("", ... cloud_options={"timeout": "10s"}) as bed: ... print([:,2])) [[nan] [nan] [ 2.]] With the local file, replace :attr:`iid`. >>> bed = open_bed(file_name, properties={"iid":["sample1","sample2","sample3"]}) >>> print(bed.iid) # replaced ['sample1' 'sample2' 'sample3'] >>> print(bed.sid) # same as before ['sid1' 'sid2' 'sid3' 'sid4'] Give the number of individuals (samples) and SNPs (variants) so that the .fam and .bim files need never be opened. >>> with open_bed(file_name, iid_count=3, sid_count=4) as bed: ... print( [[ 1. 0. nan 0.] [ 2. 0. nan 2.] [ 0. 1. 2. 0.]] Mark some properties as "don’t read or offer". >>> bed = open_bed(file_name, properties={ ... "father" : None, "mother" : None, "sex" : None, "pheno" : None, ... "allele_1" : None, "allele_2":None }) >>> print(bed.iid) # read from file ['iid1' 'iid2' 'iid3'] >>> print(bed.allele_2) # not read and not offered None See the :meth:`read` for details of reading batches via slicing and fancy indexing. """ def __init__( self, location: Union[str, Path, UrlParseResult], iid_count: Optional[int] = None, sid_count: Optional[int] = None, properties: Mapping[str, List[Any]] = {}, count_A1: bool = True, num_threads: Optional[int] = None, skip_format_check: bool = False, fam_location: Optional[Union[str, Path, UrlParseResult]] = None, bim_location: Optional[Union[str, Path, UrlParseResult]] = None, cloud_options: Mapping[str, str] = {}, max_concurrent_requests: Optional[int] = None, max_chunk_bytes: Optional[int] = None, # accept old keywords filepath: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, fam_filepath: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, bim_filepath: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, ) -> None: location = self._combined(location, filepath, "location", "filepath") fam_location = self._combined( fam_location, fam_filepath, "fam_location", "fam_filepath", ) bim_location = self._combined( bim_location, bim_filepath, "bim_location", "bim_filepath", ) self.location = self._path_or_url(location) self.cloud_options = cloud_options self.count_A1 = count_A1 self._num_threads = num_threads self._max_concurrent_requests = max_concurrent_requests self._max_chunk_bytes = max_chunk_bytes self.skip_format_check = skip_format_check self._fam_location = ( self._path_or_url(fam_location) if fam_location is not None else self._replace_extension(self.location, "fam") ) self._bim_location = ( self._path_or_url(bim_location) if bim_location is not None else self._replace_extension(self.location, "bim") ) self.properties_dict, self._counts = open_bed._fix_up_properties( properties, iid_count, sid_count, use_fill_sequence=False, ) self._iid_range = None self._sid_range = None if not self.skip_format_check: if self._is_url(self.location): check_file_cloud(self.location.geturl(), self.cloud_options) else: with open(self.location, "rb") as filepointer: self._mode = self._check_file(filepointer) # # its an error to set both location and filepath # location = self._combined(location, filepath, "location", "filepath") # fam_location = self._combined(fam_location, fam_filepath, "fam_location", "fam_filepath") # bim_location = self._combined(bim_location, bim_filepath, "bim_location", "bim_filepath") @staticmethod def _combined(location, filepath, location_name, filepath_name): if location is not None and filepath is not None: msg = f"Cannot set both {location_name} and {filepath_name}" raise ValueError(msg) # None, None is ok for now return location if location is not None else filepath @staticmethod def _replace_extension(location, extension): if open_bed._is_url(location): # Split the path and change the extension path, _ = os.path.splitext(location.path) new_path = f"{path}.{extension}" # Create a new ParseResult with the updated path return UrlParseResult( scheme=location.scheme, netloc=location.netloc, path=new_path, params=location.params, query=location.query, fragment=location.fragment, ) assert isinstance(location, Path) # real assert return location.parent / (location.stem + "." + extension) @staticmethod def _is_url(location): return isinstance(location, UrlParseResult) @staticmethod def _path_or_url(input): if isinstance(input, Path): return input if isinstance(input, UrlParseResult): return input assert isinstance( input, str, ), "Expected a string or Path object or UrlParseResult" parsed = urlparse(input) if parsed.scheme and "://" in input: return parsed return Path(input)
[docs] def read( self, index: Optional[Any] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[type, str]] = "float32", order: Optional[str] = "F", force_python_only: Optional[bool] = False, num_threads=None, max_concurrent_requests=None, max_chunk_bytes=None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Read genotype information. Parameters ---------- index: An optional expression specifying the individuals (samples) and SNPs (variants) to read. (See examples, below). Defaults to ``None``, meaning read all. (If index is a tuple, the first component indexes the individuals and the second indexes the SNPs. If it is not a tuple and not None, it indexes SNPs.) dtype: {'float32' (default), 'float64', 'int8'}, optional The desired data-type for the returned array. order : {'F','C'}, optional The desired memory layout for the returned array. Defaults to ``F`` (Fortran order, which is SNP-major). force_python_only: bool, optional If False (default), uses the faster Rust code; otherwise it uses the slower pure Python code. num_threads: None or int, optional The number of threads with which to read data. Defaults to all available processors. Can also be set with :class:`open_bed` or these environment variables (listed in priority order): 'PST_NUM_THREADS', 'NUM_THREADS', 'MKL_NUM_THREADS'. max_concurrent_requests: None or int, optional The maximum number of concurrent requests to make to the cloud storage service. Defaults to 10. max_chunk_bytes: None or int, optional The maximum number of bytes to read in a single request to the cloud storage service. Defaults to 8MB. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray 2-D array containing values of 0, 1, 2, or missing Rows represent individuals (samples). Columns represent SNPs (variants). For ``dtype`` 'float32' and 'float64', NaN indicates missing values. For 'int8', -127 indicates missing values. Examples -------- To read all data in a .bed file, set ``index`` to ``None``. This is the default. .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print( [[ 1. 0. nan 0.] [ 2. 0. nan 2.] [ 0. 1. 2. 0.]] To read selected individuals (samples) and/or SNPs (variants), set each part of a :data:`numpy.s_` to an `int`, a list of `int`, a slice expression, or a list of `bool`. Negative integers count from the end of the list. .. doctest:: >>> import numpy as np >>> bed = open_bed(file_name) >>> print([:,2])) # read the SNPs indexed by 2. [[nan] [nan] [ 2.]] >>> print([:,[2,3,0]])) # read the SNPs indexed by 2, 3, and 0 [[nan 0. 1.] [nan 2. 2.] [ 2. 0. 0.]] >>> # read SNPs from 1 (inclusive) to 4 (exclusive) >>> print([:,1:4])) [[ 0. nan 0.] [ 0. nan 2.] [ 1. 2. 0.]] >>> print(np.unique(bed.chromosome)) # print unique chrom values ['1' '5' 'Y'] >>> print([:,bed.chromosome=='5'])) # read all SNPs in chrom 5 [[nan] [nan] [ 2.]] >>> print([0,:])) # Read 1st individual (across all SNPs) [[ 1. 0. nan 0.]] >>> print([::2,:])) # Read every 2nd individual [[ 1. 0. nan 0.] [ 0. 1. 2. 0.]] >>> #read last and 2nd-to-last individuals and the last SNPs >>> print([[-1,-2],-1])) [[0.] [2.]] You can give a dtype for the output. .. doctest:: >>> print('int8')) [[ 1 0 -127 0] [ 2 0 -127 2] [ 0 1 2 0]] >>> del bed # optional: delete bed object """ iid_index_or_slice_etc, sid_index_or_slice_etc = self._split_index(index) dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if order not in {"F", "C"}: msg = f"order '{order}' not known, only 'F', 'C'" raise ValueError(msg) # Later happy with _iid_range and _sid_range or could it be done with # allocation them? if self._iid_range is None: self._iid_range = np.arange(self.iid_count, dtype="intp") if self._sid_range is None: self._sid_range = np.arange(self.sid_count, dtype="intp") iid_index = np.ascontiguousarray( self._iid_range[iid_index_or_slice_etc], dtype="intp", ) sid_index = np.ascontiguousarray( self._sid_range[sid_index_or_slice_etc], dtype="intp", ) if not force_python_only or open_bed._is_url(self.location): num_threads = get_num_threads( self._num_threads if num_threads is None else num_threads, ) max_concurrent_requests = get_max_concurrent_requests( self._max_concurrent_requests if max_concurrent_requests is None else max_concurrent_requests, ) max_chunk_bytes = get_max_chunk_bytes( self._max_chunk_bytes if max_chunk_bytes is None else max_chunk_bytes, ) val = np.zeros((len(iid_index), len(sid_index)), order=order, dtype=dtype) if self.iid_count > 0 and self.sid_count > 0: reader, location_str, is_cloud = self._pick_reader(dtype) if not is_cloud: reader( location_str, self.cloud_options, iid_count=self.iid_count, sid_count=self.sid_count, is_a1_counted=self.count_A1, iid_index=iid_index, sid_index=sid_index, val=val, num_threads=num_threads, ) else: reader( location_str, self.cloud_options, iid_count=self.iid_count, sid_count=self.sid_count, is_a1_counted=self.count_A1, iid_index=iid_index, sid_index=sid_index, val=val, num_threads=num_threads, max_concurrent_requests=max_concurrent_requests, max_chunk_bytes=max_chunk_bytes, ) else: if not self.count_A1: byteZero = 0 byteThree = 2 else: byteZero = 2 byteThree = 0 missing = -127 if dtype == np.int8 else np.nan # An earlier version of this code had a way to read consecutive SNPs of code # in one read. May want # to add that ability back to the code. # Also, note that reading with python will often result in # non-contiguous memory # logging.warn("using pure python plink parser (might be much slower!!)") if self.major == "SNP": minor_count = self.iid_count minor_index = iid_index major_index = sid_index else: minor_count = self.sid_count minor_index = sid_index major_index = iid_index val = np.zeros( ((int(np.ceil(0.25 * minor_count)) * 4), len(major_index)), order=order, dtype=dtype, ) # allocate it a little big nbyte = int(np.ceil(0.25 * minor_count)) with open(self.location, "rb") as filepointer: for major_index_value, major_index_index in enumerate(major_index): startbit = int(np.ceil(0.25 * minor_count) * major_index_index + 3) bytes = np.array(bytearray( (int(np.ceil(0.25 * minor_count)), 1), order="F", ) val[3::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1] = byteZero val[3::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 64 ] = missing val[3::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 128 ] = 1 val[3::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 192 ] = byteThree bytes = np.mod(bytes, 64) val[2::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1] = byteZero val[2::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 16 ] = missing val[2::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 32 ] = 1 val[2::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 48 ] = byteThree bytes = np.mod(bytes, 16) val[1::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1] = byteZero val[1::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 4 ] = missing val[1::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][bytes >= 8] = 1 val[1::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 12 ] = byteThree bytes = np.mod(bytes, 4) val[0::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1] = byteZero val[0::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 1 ] = missing val[0::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][bytes >= 2] = 1 val[0::4, major_index_value : major_index_value + 1][ bytes >= 3 ] = byteThree val = val[minor_index, :] # reorder or trim any extra allocation assert val.dtype == np.dtype(dtype) # real assert if not open_bed._array_properties_are_ok(val, order): val = val.copy(order=order) # if in force python mode, and individual-major mode, then we need to transpose if self.major == "individual": val = val.T return val
def _pick_reader(self, dtype): if dtype == np.int8: file_reader = read_i8 cloud_reader = read_cloud_i8 elif dtype == np.float64: file_reader = read_f64 cloud_reader = read_cloud_f64 elif dtype == np.float32: file_reader = read_f32 cloud_reader = read_cloud_f32 else: raise ValueError( f"dtype '{dtype}' not known, only " + "'int8', 'float32', and 'float64' are allowed.", ) if open_bed._is_url(self.location): reader = cloud_reader location_str = self.location.geturl() is_cloud = True else: reader = file_reader location_str = str(self.location.as_posix()) is_cloud = False return reader, location_str, is_cloud def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}('{self.location}',...)" @property def major(self) -> str: """Major mode of a local .bed file. Returns: ------- str 'SNP' or 'individual' Almost all PLINK 1.9 .bed files are 'SNP' major. This makes reading the data by SNP(s) fast. Errors ------ ValueError If the file is a cloud file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.major) SNP """ if self._is_url(self.location): msg = "Cannot determine major mode for cloud files" raise ValueError(msg) # if self._mode is not set, set it if not hasattr(self, "mode"): with open(self.location, "rb") as filepointer: self._mode = self._check_file(filepointer) return "individual" if self._mode == b"\x00" else "SNP" @property def fid(self) -> np.ndarray: """Family id of each individual (sample). Returns: ------- numpy.ndarray array of str '0' represents a missing value. If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .fam file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.fid) ['fid1' 'fid1' 'fid2'] """ return self.property_item("fid") @property def iid(self) -> np.ndarray: """Individual id of each individual (sample). Returns: ------- numpy.ndarray array of str If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .fam file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.iid) ['iid1' 'iid2' 'iid3'] """ return self.property_item("iid") @property def father(self) -> np.ndarray: """Father id of each individual (sample). Returns: ------- numpy.ndarray array of str '0' represents a missing value. If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .fam file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.father) ['iid23' 'iid23' 'iid22'] """ return self.property_item("father") @property def mother(self) -> np.ndarray: """Mother id of each individual (sample). Returns: ------- numpy.ndarray array of str '0' represents a missing value. If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .fam file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.mother) ['iid34' 'iid34' 'iid33'] """ return self.property_item("mother") @property def sex(self) -> np.ndarray: """Sex of each individual (sample). Returns: ------- numpy.ndarray array of 0, 1, or 2 0 is unknown, 1 is male, 2 is female If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .fam file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print( [1 2 0] """ return self.property_item("sex") @property def pheno(self) -> np.ndarray: """A phenotype for each individual (sample) (seldom used). Returns: ------- numpy.ndarray array of str '0' may represent a missing value. If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .fam file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.pheno) ['red' 'red' 'blue'] """ return self.property_item("pheno") @property def properties(self) -> Mapping[str, np.array]: """All the properties returned as a dictionary. Returns: ------- dict all the properties The keys of the dictionary are the names of the properties, namely: "fid" (family id), "iid" (individual or sample id), "father" (father id), "mother" (mother id), "sex", "pheno" (phenotype), "chromosome", "sid" (SNP or variant id), "cm_position" (centimorgan position), "bp_position" (base-pair position), "allele_1", "allele_2". The values are :class:`numpy.ndarray`. If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .fam and .bim file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(len( #length of dict 12 """ for key in _meta_meta: self.property_item(key) return self.properties_dict
[docs] def property_item(self, name: str) -> np.ndarray: """Retrieve one property by name. Returns: ------- numpy.ndarray a property value The name is one of these: "fid" (family id), "iid" (individual or sample id), "father" (father id), "mother" (mother id), "sex", "pheno" (phenotype), "chromosome", "sid" (SNP or variant id), "cm_position" (centimorgan position), "bp_position" (base-pair position), "allele_1", "allele_2". If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .fam or .bim file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.property_item('chromosome')) ['1' '1' '5' 'Y'] """ if name not in self.properties_dict: mm = _meta_meta[name] self._read_fam_or_bim(suffix=mm.suffix) return self.properties_dict[name]
@property def chromosome(self) -> np.ndarray: """Chromosome of each SNP (variant). Returns: ------- numpy.ndarray array of str '0' represents a missing value. If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .bim file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.chromosome) ['1' '1' '5' 'Y'] """ return self.property_item("chromosome") @property def sid(self) -> np.ndarray: """SNP id of each SNP (variant). Returns: ------- numpy.ndarray array of str If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .bim file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.sid) ['sid1' 'sid2' 'sid3' 'sid4'] """ return self.property_item("sid") @property def cm_position(self) -> np.ndarray: """Centimorgan position of each SNP (variant). Returns: ------- numpy.ndarray array of float 0.0 represents a missing value. If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .bim file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.cm_position) [ 100.4 2000.5 4000.7 7000.9] """ return self.property_item("cm_position") @property def bp_position(self) -> np.ndarray: """Base-pair position of each SNP (variant). Returns: ------- numpy.ndarray array of int 0 represents a missing value. If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .bim file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.bp_position) [ 1 100 1000 1004] """ return self.property_item("bp_position") @property def allele_1(self) -> np.ndarray: """First allele of each SNP (variant). Returns: ------- numpy.ndarray array of str If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .bim file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.allele_1) ['A' 'T' 'A' 'T'] """ return self.property_item("allele_1") @property def allele_2(self) -> np.ndarray: """Second allele of each SNP (variant),. Returns: ------- numpy.ndarray array of str If needed, will cause a one-time read of the .bim file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.allele_2) ['A' 'C' 'C' 'G'] """ return self.property_item("allele_2") @property def iid_count(self) -> np.ndarray: """Number of individuals (samples). Returns: ------- int number of individuals If needed, will cause a fast line-count of the .fam file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.iid_count) 3 """ return self._count("fam") @property def sid_count(self) -> np.ndarray: """Number of SNPs (variants). Returns: ------- int number of SNPs If needed, will cause a fast line-count of the .bim file. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.sid_count) 4 """ return self._count("bim") def _property_location(self, suffix): if suffix == "fam": return self._fam_location assert suffix == "bim" # real assert return self._bim_location def _count(self, suffix): count = self._counts[suffix] if count is None: location = self._property_location(suffix) if open_bed._is_url(location): # should not download twice from cloud if suffix == "fam": if self.property_item("iid") is None: # ... unless user doesn't want iid file_bytes = bytes( url_to_bytes(location.geturl(), self.cloud_options), ) count = _rawincount(BytesIO(file_bytes)) else: count = len(self.iid) elif suffix == "bim": if self.property_item("sid") is None: # ... unless user doesn't want sid file_bytes = bytes( url_to_bytes(location.geturl(), self.cloud_options), ) count = _rawincount(BytesIO(file_bytes)) else: count = len(self.sid) else: msg = "real assert" raise ValueError(msg) else: with open(location, "rb") as f: count = _rawincount(f) self._counts[suffix] = count return count @staticmethod def _check_file(filepointer): magic_number = if magic_number != b"l\x1b": msg = "Not a valid .bed file" raise ValueError(msg) mode = # Check if mode is either individual-major or SNP-major if mode not in (b"\x00", b"\x01"): msg = "Not a valid .bed file" raise ValueError(msg) return mode def __del__(self) -> None: self.__exit__() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *_): pass @staticmethod def _array_properties_are_ok(val, order): if order == "F": return val.flags["F_CONTIGUOUS"] assert order == "C" # real assert return val.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"] @property def shape(self): """Number of individuals (samples) and SNPs (variants). Returns: ------- (int, int) number of individuals, number of SNPs If needed, will cause a fast line-count of the .fam and .bim files. Example: ------- .. doctest:: >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("small.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.shape) (3, 4) """ return (self.iid_count, self.sid_count) @staticmethod def _split_index(index): if not isinstance(index, tuple): index = (None, index) iid_index = open_bed._fix_up_index(index[0]) sid_index = open_bed._fix_up_index(index[1]) return iid_index, sid_index @staticmethod def _fix_up_index(index): if index is None: # make a shortcut for None return slice(None) try: # If index is an int, return it in an array index = index.__index__() # (see # return [index] except Exception: pass return index @staticmethod def _write_fam_or_bim(base_filepath, properties, suffix, property_filepath) -> None: assert suffix in {"fam", "bim"}, "real assert" filepath = ( Path(property_filepath) if property_filepath is not None else base_filepath.parent / (base_filepath.stem + "." + suffix) ) fam_bim_list = [] for key, mm in _meta_meta.items(): if mm.suffix == suffix: assert len(fam_bim_list) == mm.column, "real assert" fam_bim_list.append(properties[key]) sep = " " if suffix == "fam" else "\t" with open(filepath, "w") as filepointer: for index in range(len(fam_bim_list[0])): filepointer.write( sep.join(str(seq[index]) for seq in fam_bim_list) + "\n", ) @staticmethod def _fix_up_properties_array(input, dtype, missing_value, key): if input is None: return None if len(input) == 0: return np.zeros([0], dtype=dtype) if not isinstance(input, np.ndarray): return open_bed._fix_up_properties_array( np.array(input), dtype, missing_value, key, ) if len(input.shape) != 1: msg = f"{key} should be one dimensional" raise ValueError(msg) do_missing_values = True if np.issubdtype(input.dtype, np.floating) and np.issubdtype(dtype, int): input[input != input] = missing_value old_settings = np.seterr(invalid="warn") try: output = np.array(input, dtype=dtype) finally: np.seterr(**old_settings) elif not np.issubdtype(input.dtype, dtype): # This will convert, for example, numerical sids to string sids or # floats that happen to be integers into ints, # but there will be a warning generated. old_settings = np.seterr(invalid="warn") try: output = np.array(input, dtype=dtype) finally: np.seterr(**old_settings) else: output = input # Change NaN in input to correct missing value if do_missing_values and np.issubdtype(input.dtype, np.floating): output[input != input] = missing_value return output @staticmethod def _fix_up_properties(properties, iid_count, sid_count, use_fill_sequence): for key in properties: if key not in _meta_meta: msg = f"properties key '{key}' not known" raise KeyError(msg) count_dict = {"fam": iid_count, "bim": sid_count} properties_dict = {} for key, mm in _meta_meta.items(): count = count_dict[mm.suffix] if key not in properties or (use_fill_sequence and properties[key] is None): if use_fill_sequence: output = mm.fill_sequence(key, count, mm.missing_value, mm.dtype) else: continue # Test coverage reaches this, but doesn't report it. else: output = open_bed._fix_up_properties_array( properties[key], mm.dtype, mm.missing_value, key, ) if output is not None: if count is None: count_dict[mm.suffix] = len(output) elif count != len(output): raise ValueError( f"The length of override {key}, {len(output)}, should not " + "be different from the current " + f"{_count_name[mm.suffix]}, {count}", ) properties_dict[key] = output return properties_dict, count_dict def _read_fam_or_bim(self, suffix) -> None: property_location = self._property_location(suffix)"Loading {suffix} file {property_location}") count = self._counts[suffix] delimiter = _delimiters[suffix] if delimiter in {r"\s+"}: delimiter = None usecolsdict = {} dtype_dict = {} for key, mm in _meta_meta.items(): if mm.suffix is suffix and key not in self.properties_dict: usecolsdict[key] = mm.column dtype_dict[mm.column] = mm.dtype assert list(usecolsdict.values()) == sorted(usecolsdict.values()) # real assert assert len(usecolsdict) > 0 # real assert if self._is_url(property_location): file_bytes = bytes( url_to_bytes(property_location.geturl(), self.cloud_options), ) if len(file_bytes) == 0: columns, row_count = [], 0 else: # note similar code below columns, row_count = _read_csv( BytesIO(file_bytes), delimiter=delimiter, dtype=dtype_dict, usecols=usecolsdict.values(), ) elif os.path.getsize(property_location) == 0: columns, row_count = [], 0 else: columns, row_count = _read_csv( property_location, delimiter=delimiter, dtype=dtype_dict, usecols=usecolsdict.values(), ) if count is None: self._counts[suffix] = row_count elif count != row_count: raise ValueError( f"The number of lines in the *.{suffix} file, {row_count}, " + "should not be different from the current " + "f{_count_name[suffix]}, {count}", ) for i, key in enumerate(usecolsdict.keys()): mm = _meta_meta[key] if row_count == 0: output = np.array([], dtype=mm.dtype) else: output = columns[i] if not np.issubdtype(output.dtype, mm.dtype): output = np.array(output, dtype=mm.dtype) self.properties_dict[key] = output
[docs] def read_sparse( self, index: Optional[Any] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[type, str]] = "float32", batch_size: Optional[int] = None, format: Optional[str] = "csc", num_threads=None, max_concurrent_requests=None, max_chunk_bytes=None, ) -> (Union[sparse.csc_matrix, sparse.csr_matrix]) if sparse is not None else None: # type: ignore """Read genotype information into a :mod:`scipy.sparse` matrix. Sparse matrices may be useful when the data is mostly zeros. .. note:: This method requires :mod:`scipy`. Install `scipy` with: .. code-block:: bash pip install --upgrade bed-reader[sparse] Parameters ---------- index: An optional expression specifying the individuals (samples) and SNPs (variants) to read. (See examples, below). Defaults to ``None``, meaning read all. (If index is a tuple, the first component indexes the individuals and the second indexes the SNPs. If it is not a tuple and not None, it indexes SNPs.) dtype: {'float32' (default), 'float64', 'int8'}, optional The desired data-type for the returned array. batch_size: None or int, optional Number of dense columns or rows to read at a time, internally. Defaults to round(sqrt(total-number-of-columns-or-rows-to-read)). format : {'csc','csr'}, optional The desired format of the sparse matrix. Defaults to ``csc`` (Compressed Sparse Column, which is SNP-major). num_threads: None or int, optional The number of threads with which to read data. Defaults to all available processors. Can also be set with :class:`open_bed` or these environment variables (listed in priority order): 'PST_NUM_THREADS', 'NUM_THREADS', 'MKL_NUM_THREADS'. max_concurrent_requests: None or int, optional The maximum number of concurrent requests to make to the cloud storage service. Defaults to 10. max_chunk_bytes: None or int, optional The maximum number of bytes to read in a single request to the cloud storage service. Defaults to 8MB. Returns ------- a :class:`scipy.sparse.csc_matrix` (default) or :class:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` Rows represent individuals (samples). Columns represent SNPs (variants). For ``dtype`` 'float32' and 'float64', NaN indicates missing values. For 'int8', -127 indicates missing values. The memory used by the final sparse matrix is approximately: # of non-zero values * (4 bytes + 1 byte (for int8)) For example, consider reading 1000 individuals (samples) x 50,000 SNPs (variants) into csc format where the data is 97% sparse. The memory used will be about 7.5 MB (1000 x 50,000 x 3% x 5 bytes). This is 15% of the 50 MB needed by a dense matrix. Internally, the function reads the data via small dense matrices. For this example, by default, the function will read 1000 individuals x 224 SNPs (because 224 * 224 is about 50,000). The memory used by the small dense matrix is 1000 x 244 x 1 byte (for int8) = 0.224 MB. You can set `batch_size`. Larger values will be faster. Smaller values will use less memory. For this example, we might want to set the `batch_size` to 5000. Then, the memory used by the small dense matrix would be 1000 x 5000 x 1 byte (for int8) = 5 MB, similar to the 7.5 MB needed for the final sparse matrix. Examples -------- Read all data in a .bed file into a :class:`scipy.sparse.csc_matrix`. The file has 10 individuals (samples) by 20 SNPs (variants). All but eight values are 0. .. doctest:: >>> # pip install bed-reader[samples,sparse] # if needed >>> from bed_reader import open_bed, sample_file >>> >>> file_name = sample_file("sparse.bed") >>> with open_bed(file_name) as bed: ... print(bed.shape) # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS ... val_sparse = bed.read_sparse(dtype="int8") (10, 20) >>> print("Nonzero Values", # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS Nonzero Values [1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1] To read selected individuals (samples) and/or SNPs (variants), set each part of a :data:`numpy.s_` to an `int`, a list of `int`, a slice expression, or a list of `bool`. Negative integers count from the end of the list. .. doctest:: >>> import numpy as np >>> bed = open_bed(file_name) >>> print("Nonzero Values", bed.read_sparse(np.s_[:,5], dtype="int8").data) # read the SNPs indexed by 5. Nonzero Values [2] >>> # read the SNPs indexed by 5, 4, and 0 >>> print("Nonzero Values", bed.read_sparse(np.s_[:,[5,4,0]], dtype="int8").data) Nonzero Values [2 1] >>> # read SNPs from 1 (inclusive) to 11 (exclusive) >>> print("Nonzero Values", bed.read_sparse(np.s_[:,1:11], dtype="int8").data) Nonzero Values [1 2 2 1 1] >>> print(np.unique(bed.chromosome)) # print unique chrom values ['1' '5' 'Y'] >>> # read all SNPs in chrom 5 >>> print("Nonzero Values", bed.read_sparse(np.s_[:,bed.chromosome=='5'], dtype="int8").data) Nonzero Values [1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1] >>> # Read 1st individual (across all SNPs) >>> print("Nonzero Values", bed.read_sparse(np.s_[0,:], dtype="int8").data) Nonzero Values [2] >>> print("Nonzero Values", bed.read_sparse(np.s_[::2,:], dtype="int8").data) # Read every 2nd individual Nonzero Values [1 2 2 1 1] >>> # read last and 2nd-to-last individuals and the 15th-from-the-last SNP >>> print("Nonzero Values", bed.read_sparse(np.s_[[-1,-2],-15], dtype="int8").data) Nonzero Values [2] """ if sparse is None: raise ImportError( "The function read_sparse() requires scipy. " + "Install it with 'pip install --upgrade bed-reader[sparse]'.", ) iid_index_or_slice_etc, sid_index_or_slice_etc = self._split_index(index) dtype = np.dtype(dtype) # Similar code in read(). # Later happy with _iid_range and _sid_range or could it be done with # allocation them? if self._iid_range is None: self._iid_range = np.arange(self.iid_count, dtype="intp") if self._sid_range is None: self._sid_range = np.arange(self.sid_count, dtype="intp") iid_index = np.ascontiguousarray( self._iid_range[iid_index_or_slice_etc], dtype="intp", ) sid_index = np.ascontiguousarray( self._sid_range[sid_index_or_slice_etc], dtype="intp", ) if ( len(iid_index) > np.iinfo(np.int32).max or len(sid_index) > np.iinfo(np.int32).max ): msg = ( "Too many Individuals or SNPs (variants) requested. " "Maximum is {np.iinfo(np.int32).max}." ) raise ValueError( msg, ) if batch_size is None: batch_size = round(np.sqrt(len(sid_index))) num_threads = get_num_threads( self._num_threads if num_threads is None else num_threads, ) max_concurrent_requests = get_max_concurrent_requests( self._max_concurrent_requests if max_concurrent_requests is None else max_concurrent_requests, ) max_chunk_bytes = get_max_chunk_bytes( self._max_chunk_bytes if max_chunk_bytes is None else max_chunk_bytes, ) if format == "csc": order = "F" indptr = np.zeros(len(sid_index) + 1, dtype=np.int32) elif format == "csr": order = "C" indptr = np.zeros(len(iid_index) + 1, dtype=np.int32) else: msg = f"format '{format}' not known. Expected 'csc' or 'csr'." raise ValueError(msg) # We init data and indices with zero element arrays to set their dtype. data = [np.empty(0, dtype=dtype)] indices = [np.empty(0, dtype=np.int32)] if self.iid_count > 0 and self.sid_count > 0: reader, location_str, is_cloud = self._pick_reader(dtype) if format == "csc": val = np.zeros((len(iid_index), batch_size), order=order, dtype=dtype) for batch_start in range(0, len(sid_index), batch_size): batch_end = batch_start + batch_size if batch_end > len(sid_index): batch_end = len(sid_index) del val val = np.zeros( (len(iid_index), batch_end - batch_start), order=order, dtype=dtype, ) batch_slice = np.s_[batch_start:batch_end] batch_index = sid_index[batch_slice] if not is_cloud: reader( location_str, self.cloud_options, iid_count=self.iid_count, sid_count=self.sid_count, is_a1_counted=self.count_A1, iid_index=iid_index, sid_index=batch_index, val=val, num_threads=num_threads, ) else: reader( location_str, self.cloud_options, iid_count=self.iid_count, sid_count=self.sid_count, is_a1_counted=self.count_A1, iid_index=iid_index, sid_index=batch_index, val=val, num_threads=num_threads, max_concurrent_requests=max_concurrent_requests, max_chunk_bytes=max_chunk_bytes, ) self.sparsify( val, order, iid_index, batch_slice, data, indices, indptr, ) else: assert format == "csr" # real assert val = np.zeros((batch_size, len(sid_index)), order=order, dtype=dtype) for batch_start in range(0, len(iid_index), batch_size): batch_end = batch_start + batch_size if batch_end > len(iid_index): batch_end = len(iid_index) del val val = np.zeros( (batch_end - batch_start, len(sid_index)), order=order, dtype=dtype, ) batch_slice = np.s_[batch_start:batch_end] batch_index = iid_index[batch_slice] if not is_cloud: reader( location_str, self.cloud_options, iid_count=self.iid_count, sid_count=self.sid_count, is_a1_counted=self.count_A1, iid_index=batch_index, sid_index=sid_index, val=val, num_threads=num_threads, ) else: reader( location_str, self.cloud_options, iid_count=self.iid_count, sid_count=self.sid_count, is_a1_counted=self.count_A1, iid_index=batch_index, sid_index=sid_index, val=val, num_threads=num_threads, max_concurrent_requests=max_concurrent_requests, max_chunk_bytes=max_chunk_bytes, ) self.sparsify( val, order, sid_index, batch_slice, data, indices, indptr, ) data = np.concatenate(data) indices = np.concatenate(indices) if format == "csc": return sparse.csc_matrix( (data, indices, indptr), (len(iid_index), len(sid_index)), ) assert format == "csr" # real assert return sparse.csr_matrix( (data, indices, indptr), (len(iid_index), len(sid_index)), )
def sparsify(self, val, order, minor_index, batch_slice, data, indices, indptr) -> None: flatten = np.ravel(val, order=order) nz_indices = np.flatnonzero(flatten).astype(np.int32) column_indexes = nz_indices // len(minor_index) counts = np.bincount( column_indexes, minlength=batch_slice.stop - batch_slice.start, ).astype(np.int32) counts_with_initial = np.r_[ indptr[batch_slice.start : batch_slice.start + 1], counts, ] data.append(flatten[nz_indices]) indices.append(np.mod(nz_indices, len(minor_index))) indptr[1:][batch_slice] = np.cumsum(counts_with_initial)[1:]
def _read_csv(filepath, delimiter=None, dtype=None, usecols=None): pattern = re.compile(r"^np\.\w+\((.+?)\)$") # Prepare the usecols by ensuring it is a list of indices usecols_indices = list(usecols) transposed = np.loadtxt( filepath, dtype=np.str_, delimiter=delimiter, usecols=usecols_indices, unpack=True, ) if transposed.ndim == 1: transposed = transposed.reshape(-1, 1) row_count = transposed.shape[1] # because unpack=True # Convert column lists to numpy arrays with the specified dtype columns = [] for output_index, input_index in enumerate(usecols_indices): col = transposed[output_index] # work around numpy/python bug if len(col) > 0 and pattern.fullmatch(col[0]): col = np.array([pattern.fullmatch(x).group(1) for x in col]) # Find the dtype for this column col_dtype = dtype.get(input_index, np.str_) # Convert the column list to a numpy array with the specified dtype columns.append(_convert_to_dtype(col, col_dtype)) return columns, row_count def _convert_to_dtype(str_arr, dtype): assert dtype in [np.str_, np.float32, np.int32] # real assert if dtype == np.str_: return str_arr try: new_arr = str_arr.astype(dtype) except ValueError as e: if dtype == np.float32: raise # for backwards compatibility, see if intermediate float helps int conversion try: assert dtype == np.int32 # real assert float_arr = str_arr.astype(np.float32) except ValueError: raise e new_arr = float_arr.astype(np.int32) if not np.array_equal(new_arr, float_arr): msg = f"invalid literal for int: '{str_arr[np.where(new_arr != float_arr)][:1]}')" raise ValueError( msg, ) return new_arr if __name__ == "__main__": import pytest logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) pytest.main(["--doctest-modules", __file__])